3. Hummingbird plants
These are sorted from driest to wettest soils and tolerate part-shade unless otherwise noted.
Dry soil: Sand Evening Primrose (2’), Large Beardtongue (2’)
Dry - Medium soil: Wild Columbine (2’, shade tolerant), Butterflyweed (2’), Showy Milkweed (4’, full sun), Wild Four O’Clock (4’, full sun), New Jersey Tea (3’, shrub), Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle (3’, part - full shade, shrub)
Med Dry - Medium soil: Anise Hyssop (3’), Late Figwort (6’, shade tolerant)
Medium soil: Bladdernut (20’ shrub, part - full shade)
Dry - Med Wet soil: Wild Bergamot (4’), Early Figwort (5’, shade tolerant), Common Evening Primrose (6’), Large-flowered Gaura (6’)
Med Dry - Med Wet soil: Prairie Lily (1’), Germander (3’, aggressive), Meadow Blazingstar (5’)
Medium - Med Wet soil: Prairie Milkweed (3’, full sun), Cup Plant (6’)
Medium - Wet soil: Northern Blue Flag Iris (3’), Great Blue Lobelia (3’, short-lived perennial), Prairie Blazingstar (4’), Blue Vervain (5’), Michigan Lily (5’)
Wet soil: Cardinal Flower (4’, short-lived perennial), White Turtlehead (5’)